transgender rights
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Why does it exist?
For us it's like getting knocked in the teeth with a fist,
Over and over as the pain attempts to kill
My demons are building, like an overflowing landfill
So what
Might I ask
Makes us boys
And girls
Why can't we just be us?
Why must we be male, female, straight, gay...
What is a girl?
What is a boy?
You may simply answer
The gender you were born as
Or your clothes
your looks
America isn’t new
America isn’t great
How could a country thrive on hate?
Unemployment is high
Education is low
How much further down can our country go?
Fear not, our future can be preserved
a real and raging rush of words and thoughts of emotions felt in a new and next to normal way -
just bored one day i picked up my eyeliner
and two minutes later
i had a mild johnny depp mustache
and a light shade on my chin
i walked into a hot topic
where nobody knew me
expecting a few laughs
Who are you to define what a man is and what a women is?
You brag about our diversity
You say it’s important for a well-rounded community
And I agree
but a kid shows up and you can’t tell if they’re a man or women