Rosa Parks
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I watched a lady full of age
Walk slowly down the sidewalk
She walked as though there was pain in each step
And I admired her determination
She could have easily squeezed sympathy
From anyone that she meet
Rights, equal
Outstanding individual
Spoke through actions not words
Active participant in her own destiny
After the storm comes the rainbow,
Vivacious colors splitting the grey.
After the clouds shines the sun,
Shining light through the tears of the sky.
Storms are alive, in you, in me, in the world.
One man willing to stand up for his rights,
one woman willing to fight,
A man who has a dream for equality in the nation,
The woman on the bus encountering frustration,
The long and painful march stopped by the batons and dogs,
Some attempted to flee, while others struggled brutally,
Jim Crows counts his days; be hanged by the rope of justice,
Sit down, Rosa, you know you can’t win.
Sit down, why try when they have white skin?
It’s just a futile effort, a losing game,
It will only result in your shame.
My splattered blood dries
over the newly cemented pavement
where my head collided,
after my back got soaked and bruised
from the fire hydrant
cause I'm fighting the tyrant
of segregation. You can crush
(poems go here) Rosa Parks and The Montgomery Bus Boycott
Rosa boarded a Montgomery bus one December afternoon
Paid for the ride in the front and walked towards the back,
Sitting in a seat
not accepting defeat
Rosa Parks took a stand
Speaking for the press
and being laid to rest
Martin Luther King Jr. paid the ultimate price
He entered the bus
requested a seat from her
she said no with a fuss
he made a stir
she said there's a seat over there Russ
ill get the cops he said
if you must russ
the cops come
She holds her ground
Never giving up her seat
Even with the great sound
She took her stand and stayed around
Throughout all the pain and heat
She holds her ground
Although she never frowned
There they stood so proud with roses at their feet, sunshine glimmering down,
everywhere they looked they could see the beauty of all colors except one,
as she entered the bus, wheels going round,
Stop now, hush that fuss
Everybody move to the back of the bus
She sat there without a fuss
Refusing to move to the back of the bus
Now we can sit anywhere on a bus
Without a fuss, cheers to you, sweet Rosa
In a bus, in the city of Montgomery,
A woman came aboard.
Little did anyone know at the time,
That this woman would change the world.
I had a dream last night that turned into a nightmare,I woke up still asleep and walked to school full of fear.The kids gave me weird looks and I didn't know why,