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Sun saves moves and rays for some as a racing nun
Burns form him as from a mum
Fun runs in plum turn for each warmth won
Timeless tones
Words without love, without sound,Strokes along my ear.
Meaningless, playful sounds,preached to me of incredible beauty.
My inside drum has its own sound
It can be ear splitting or barely heard
Or every noise in between
But it’s special and unique and only mine
So it begins.
The temperature rises.
Everyone's running amok
Willing to do whatever it takes
To make the loudest sounds
Find the one,
So the ones after me
This view reminds me of a Norwegian fjord
though I’ve never seen one in my life.
The magnificent rocks
Pooling on my windowsill
Splish splash, splish splash
A cool breeze
Wind chimes twinkling and twirling
Crickets chirping
As the lightning bugs flutter about
You know that feeling. When you're sitting there and you're not doing anything. And you start to zone out, but when you come back everything is all over the place and suddenly in your faceAnd your breathing gets loud
Why do we fear thunder?
Thunder can’t hurt you
It’s just a sound.
Why do we fear gunshots?
Gunshots can’t hurt you
They’re just a sound.
Why do we fear screaming?
The silence surrounds,
Tick tock,
Tick tock,
I hear the delicate hands move,
Much like my own,
They drift in movement,
My breathing grows light,
I listen for silence,
A floorboard creaks,
Words cannot express
The joy I feel when I open
my mouth to sing words with sultry
The serenade of emotion filling each verse
Everytime I fill the room with a melody
My heart is fulfilled
Pick me up
When I feel down
The rain pours
Thunder in the background
Lightening flashes
Brightening a lamp lit home
Candles going, crackling like a fire
The smell of pine surrounding me with warmth
It makes me sad that no one will ever know how I sound to me.
I think I sound better that way.
But I will never be able to sound that way to others.
I feel like my voice isn't me.
Maybe the sound I hear isn’t the melodic tone I perceive it to be.
Even angels couldn’t open their lips to evaluate its harmonious wonder.
This promp was all about words. They didn't have to make sense grouped together, the point was to listen to the sounds.
My lavish disposition
You hear the muffled whispers
hiding in this room
you're listening and you're listening but still the whispers loom
haunting whispers in the night
you know that they should give you fright
I hear the crickets chirping absent of rhythm.
I hear the clock ticking away the seconds.
I hear my blood pumping through my veins.
I hear the creaking of the swing outside.
The salty morsale dives down
With echoed fractures
Closely followed by
The bag crumpling again.
Beep! Beep! Bee-beep!
Our alarm system calls out
Indicating an airy guest
Tapping the pencil against a desk, the scraping of a chair across the hardwood floor,running fingers along the keys of a piano lost in thought, what is that intangible, sweet tasting sound I've come to adore? My ears have per
The buzzing sounds of machines
overwhelm our power of sound,
mainstream rhythm is concealed.
Birds that beautifully chirp, chirp, chirp
My name is Syed.
It means leader in Arabic.
I was named after the many respected Muslim leaders before me.
Yesterday my name was reserved.
Tomorrow my name will be outgoing.
In my dream my name was optimism.
The squeals of a little girl, the thud of horse hooves,
The rattle of rain down the shingles of roofs,
The clamor of traffic, the roaring whistle of trains,
The deafening throb of machinery numbing the brain,