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Feel the hidden Spaces between the lines/ Siente los espacios escondidos entre las palabras They are whispering the hidden secrets between your eyes/ Están susurando los secretos entre tus ojos  
Feel the hidden Spaces between the lines/ Siente los espacios escondidos entre las palabras They are whispering the hidden secrets between your eyes/ Están susurando los secretos entre tus ojos  
Necisito un boligrafo, por favor Oh, I need a pen! Gracias por la manzana Oh, I meant thanks for the apple Hablo español, y habla un poco inglés No, I meant I speak both Soy de Puerto Rico
I see you, old f(r)iend It was about time I came back again I am crawling on my knees Begging and pleading for you to love me   Please, I need you My sweetest     amor
Queridos Mamá y Papá,   I understand that you do not know English So I will write to you in Spanish.   Finalmente me estoy graduando.
Como la vela sin el fuego (like the candle without the flame) Como el campo sin el juego (like the field without the game) As would I be without you
Huele a cadaverHuele a cadaver y apesta cada vez mas fuerteHuele a recuerdos a sueños y esperanzacolgando de la orilla de un edificio tratando de salvarse despues de haber tratado de suicidarse,
In this life, I will die a thousand times over.  I've learned the sun doesn't wait for me, and it doesn't wait for you, and that's okay We can watch the stars together in the meantime  
I think it's been almost four years I've gone through and counted the days, months, years in poetry I think it started with this urge of expression from the quiet girl who listened to the calling
I Am Hispanic. No, I am not the pale whiteskin of America; nor am I a non-speaking Spanish American. I am a hispanic girl with two cultural backgrounds with a bilingual tongue -- and I might be said
  ‘cause I am-yo soy I feel- yo siento I hear- yo escucho I look- yo miro I am the universe within you As above so below They say
She traveled for days, in a maze with no direction destined for an escape from depression driven by disaffection By fate she felt a connection They ran until he was cuffed into oppression Later she had a baby on the way
Speaking three different languages
Everyone says two is better than one A couple of treasures is greater than none They say, "You're so lucky, you can do both" encouraging, empowering, influencing my growth 
Ils vous ont dit "tu n'es pas assez jolie" Mais ce n'est pas la vérité, chère Judy Ils vous ont dit "toi, tu es trop grosse" Mais leurs allégations étaient fausses Vous étiez talentueuse--pas prétentieuse
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