self conscious
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I don’t write about me
About the dreams that echo through my brain
The dreams that almost were yet fell too short
The dreams fueled by my family
A last hope in a family of legacies
im over dramatic
im annoying
i dont have any self confidence
i hate my personality
i ignoring my sadness by making jokes about it
i need aprroval of everyone
i wish i liked myself
"Just A Worldly Note" Here I stand in front of you, a natural body Something that was given to me by ancestors I am unfamiliar with As I twirl these labels that give you a confidence are thrown at me sending me into a endless loop of deteriorating
Who am I
I ask as I gaze into the clear blue sky
What makes me unique
My personality, I think
I am a little bit of everything
All rolled into someone who cannot sing
I feel the music in my body though
Death is opportunity
Life is the challenge.
Opportunity to relapse
Challenge to stay above.
Opportunity to give up
Challenge to remain on track.
I am a survivor.