'death' 'grief' 'love' 'depression' 'Pain' 'addiction' 'neglect' 'sadness' 'despair' 'sibling'

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Come on daddy, Come play with me, Come play football, Come climb a tree.   We can play, Goodies and baddies, I'll be the goodie, You be daddy.    Didn't always want to play,
You took from me, soft kisses  You took from me, warm hugs    You took from me, my safety  You took the ones I love   
Am in a frame of mind,One has me leaving past behind.I claim av let go of it all,But that's a lie encoded deep into my aching soul,
Im taking my mistakes as lessons, cause I'm tired of stressin, no more streets what am I going to eat, I'm tired of guessin. Trials and tribulations, tried in every situation Come ups, come with stints, im tired of macin.
These three events shaped me into the person I am today; Although they aren't the only ones, they definitely come into play; If I told you what went on inside my mind, there's a chance you wouldn't know what to say.  
I remember her clear Her smile  Her voice Her choice And she left me  My thoughts My pain My strain  I loved her  My sister  My friend My end 
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