fairytale remix
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There once lived a mermaid named Zhavia
She spent her life swimming the seas
She had the gift to control all forms of water
But she wanted a chance to feel the trees
Elisi Said
{Elisi- Cherokee for “grandmother”}
Because I love him, I’d have let him slay the wolf…
But I could have just as easily done it myself.
Because I love him, I waited for him in a tower,
I saw her everyday.
But I was scared you see.
She was beautiful.
How could a sweet, young girl like someone like me?
So I planned my move.
Leapt out from the woods.
I'd startled her,
Happily ever after
That's not true
Wanna hear the real story
Let me tell you
I was just a little girl
When everything changed
My dad met this lady
I thought she was deranged
I was lost in some kind of fantasy. The trees danced around me and my flowing blue dress. I entwined myself in the branches, dancing along to their imaginary tune. I was alone, but I wasn't lonely.
There were whispers of a wolf in the wind.
The Wolf, the wind said.
The Wolf hunts at the night
For you, your children, your lives