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Eyes dark. The Joker’s grin,bares yellow teeth.Hair,Looks as if rubbed chicken skin was rubbed upon itHunk? Not in the least.Beef cake, yeah, thats it.Nose,Takes up the entirety of the mess that is your face...But it works man,Somehow. I watch
Love strikes away the chains of fear
When I walk into a room
Of things unknown but longed for still
In the blink of an eye
I clip my wings and fly
To the burning orange rays
I felt its presence in the room
That leering, awkward warmth that it brings with it gives it away
The way it can't resist touching my eyes
Reaching in my throat
Darting blue eyes
scoping out the café.
Sweating fingers
tracing anxious temples
as you search for a new prey.
My dear, I have spotted you and now you are mine
I saw the back of your head yesterday in line
I stalked through your Facebook
Five hours is all it took
Next, I read through your Twitter