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Bell was a poor girl, but she was smart She had no time for men, only the arts. One day he came, with the tongue of a snake  Told her pray and he’d take her away From all the poverty, soreness, and shame
New and a bit alarming, Were the howls and groans - The ones masked by wolves and violent storms. Violent storms much like the ones in Belle's head and eyes - those, which sparkled, now hone.  
I skim through these shelves For stories I've never lived; Through stories I've experienced Within the walls of my head Within the lines of this town.  
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and in my eyes I behold none so fair as I. For even the one they call Beauty, the Bell, is besotted by my lucious hair.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and in my eyes I behold none so fair as I. For even the one they call Beauty, the Bell, is besotted by my lucious hair.
Though you've loved, you may never love again Enchantress speaks and waves her crurse once more My love is now gone because of these men I have every right to even the score  
Beast in the Hydrangeas  
Life is not always fair I gave you my heart you paid me with pain Although I love you, I cannot continue... I swore love to you You alone only gave me treachery  You ill-treated me without cease
Once upon a time there was a prince,  Ever dwelling amidst despondency and rage, Those breeding his soul for persecution, and since It dug its way into his chest, against his heart war will wage.   
Once Upon A Time, She heard the clock chime, Only to tell her the magic was leaving, But she didn't care for she was believing She would see him again. That blue dress and perfect hair,
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