Music is something that we are all exposed to and it touches each of us in different ways. We each have different types of music or musicians we enjoy, and for different reasons. The emotions that we have when we hear certain music can be translated in the poetry we write. Here are some ideas to help you write poems about music.
- Taste. Who introduced you to music? Do you think your taste in music would be different now if someone else had introduced music to you? Write about how the music you prefer is different or similar to the music your friends listen to and why that is.
- Muse. Who is your favorite music artist? Do you look up to this musician or singer for a specific reason? Write a poem about why this type of music speaks to you.
- Meaning. What is your favorite song? You can write a poem about the meaning of a song you love. It is also a good idea to write about the emotions you feel when you listen to this song. Maybe the song directly relates to your life, or inspires you when you listen to it.
- Recreate. Do you write your own songs? Poetry and music are very similar since both tell stories and are about the author’s passions. It might be fun to try turning one of your poems into a song, to give it a different dimension.
- Perform. Do you sing or play an instrument? Do you perform solo, or as part of a band, orchestra, or choir? Do you perform other artists' music, or your own? Think about how you feel when you're rehearsing or performing.
- When. Who do you listen to music with? Do you usually listen alone to help you concentrate or do you listen with a group? Write about which situations you listen to music in, and why.
- Role. Is music a big part of your life? Think about what your reaction would be if you did not have access to music, and write a poem about how you would feel in this situation.