Annual Emerging Poets Slam 2023 *Belated

Calling all poets 17 and under! Power Poetry is looking to find the Top Emerging Poet of 2023 *belated


With all the amazing writers out there, it's easy to feel intimidated and overwhelmed when trying to create a poem. We know that you're still honing your writing skills and you haven't unlocked your full potential yet. And that's totally okay! In fact, that's why we created this slam especially for you! 

Here's a space for you to share what techniques you've already mastered, and to practice those you're still learning. The best part is that YOU get to decide what you write about. Writing comes from the heart, so write about whatever speaks to you and gets those creative juices flowing. 

What'll you win? Well, the Top 50 Emerging Poets will be published in our newest Annual Emerging Poets e-book! But wait, there's more: you'll get an awesome certificate, title of Top Emerging Poet of 2023 on Power Poetry, bragging rights, and something awesome to put on your resume when applying to college. How cool is that?! So get on in there and post a poem and then read what your fellow Power Poets have submitted. Hey, you might even learn something new!

Note: This is not a scholarship -- there is no monetary reward. But tbh being a certified Top Poet, being officially published, and having bragging rights are just as cool. 


  1.  You are 17 years of age or younger
  2. Add an original poem to Power Poetry by March 1, 2024. You'll need to register as a member of our community first.
  3. You are only permitted one poem entry for the slam


Power Poetry's Tip Guides can help you learn more about different poetic forms and styles. Words have power, so our Action Guides are meant to inspire and empower you to use poetry as a way to change your life -- and the world! Our Glossary lists tons of poetry terms and techniques to help you out even more. And check out this video for info. about how we choose slam winners.



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WARNING! Some poems contain explicit language.
Flowing and growing Yet also Stable and slow.
10 hours 44 min ago
There is a book  that everyone reads that's full of wants and full of needs full of bad
3 weeks 5 days ago
Wake up  The stars will not wait for you  Neither will they They will take you away from the stars 
1 month 2 weeks ago
Smoke   A flicking flame–the darkness flees, A candle’s light never steadies.
2 months 3 weeks ago
Its September here but
5 months 4 days ago