Poems from sugarskulli

My name is Alex I'm a huge gaywad with a girlfriend named Rachel
I like writing poetry, musicals, and fancy sushi. My favorite movie is The Breakfast Club, and I study ghosts and draw things also
I can’t remember what time it was when I met you
But I can remember the bus rattling past corn fields as I used my last good piece
Open up your heart to me, oh sleeping, weeping sunset drinker. Let me love you when
lavender and blue rolled up the rugs in your room....
iiI cleaned up themess you made in the house but I don’t know about the wreck you made of my bones, my body, my soul, and my hands.
She wanted to be my
Bitter burning dry kettle love.
Cobweb hands, I was holding the fog
in the creases of her elbows with the
I was a child and I’d sit there, on the floorof the salon, to watch my mothers hands, gaunt and the
color of coffee we drink in the...