Poems from schnoseb

Benjamin P.S. is a being of immense integrity, habitually semi-boisterous, sans ostentatiousness, and sibling to seven. He is skilled in the art of art, melodic and harmonious in music. Seldom garrulous; it is somewhat a rarity for this bizarre being to be heard uttering anything auxiliary a grunt. This individual has a great extent of outlandish schemes being administrated in his psyche; but you only see the translucent structure, you encompass a diminutive amount of his true form- only some is illuminated within your perception.
I want a guitar now, don't know how to play the thing;I tried once before but gave up when I broke a string. I want to make some music,...
What am I feeling I'd tell you if I could The truth is I don't even know I...
As I walk through life observing, I define what people are.
I see how they all are serving, and with that I set the bar.
I see musicians...
The beautiful water jar, that from southern Asia hails,
That shows us heartfelt loveliness and grace that never fails.
Its love of water...
My life is a smile, one I show many times,But really it covers anger, sadness, and crimes.People think my life is easy because I smile,But...