Poems from renee913

renee913's picture
I live in a small town in the middle of nowhere. I love the area, but I hate it at the same time. I am currently still in high school, and I hope to go to college for an English and Linguistics degree.
Inhale the light of a fading street lamp,Illumination creeping into black lungs,Cancerous to breathe in smoke, but exhale,The luminous...
The eerie feeling of silence after the screamingWill consume the humbleness of your heart,Chills down your spine with each second passing...
He couldn't put the bottle down,His sorrow was unrequited,His hands were unstable,And another shot soothed him,Comforted by the burn,A...
It's as if the illness of sanity was contagious,Spreading like wildfire through his body; catching fire on the fringes of his heart,Bright...
