Poems from ravenqueenrinda

First off Yes that is the real me in the photo. I am a girl just like any other. I like all sorts of music and enjoy the simple life.Im a gamer and a nerd. I am a Hethan, which means i believe in the Norse Gods and Godesses. I believe in LGBT and think they should get every right that any "straight" person does. I am always on the lookout for new friends and fellow poets If you want to get a hold of me my email is elementalmistress@live.com and put Power Poetry Friend as the subject. I hope that we can talk real soon!!
We change our clothes
we change our shoes
we change our faces
and see whats new.
If i could change something in...
The buzzing of bees,
The raw smell of honey,
The dark rich taste of chocolate.
A glance and a smile
Before a soft kiss,
How could we know...
The dark sky closes in,
Another day without my kin.
The feel of your skin as we touch,
Just a hug and kiss; not too much.
The earth goes...
Solar Flares and Moon Beams
All we hear are the children's screams,
Calling out for mom and dad,
Whom they know are evil and bad.