Poems from nikhilparekh

For him man was not as disdainfully black as charcoal; or as white as the impeccable crusts of ice-cream, For him man was not as tall as...
How deep is the ocean I do not know; but what I do know is that I would extricate the oil trapped within; to make it more enjoyable for...
The tantalizingly seductive periphery of your lusciously crinkled lips; mesmerized me to only an infinitesimally fleeting extent,What I...
What tomorrow would bring for me in its exhilaratingly blissful winds; I didn't care; nor did have even the tiniest of longing to know,But...
A poem is; an everlasting ocean of poignant empathy; that envelops you in winds of insatiable euphoria and tantalizingly rhapsodic caress,...
