What I Do Know

How deep is the ocean I do not know; but what I do know is that I would extricate the oil trapped within; to make it more enjoyable for people to swim,

How colossal is the sky I do not know; but what I do know is that I would stop it being invaded by obnoxious missiles; making it a paradise for birds to fly,

How dense is the forest I do not know; but what I do know is that I would prevent innocent trees from being chopped; making it more mesmerizing for the animals to live in,

How lanky is the mountain I do not know; but what I do know is that I would
terminate all mining activity on its slopes; making it more stupendous for sheep to philander on,

How vast is the desert I do not know; but what I do know is that I would placate the thirst of every organism I encountered; to grant it reprieve from the agony of scorching heat,

How acrimonious is the heat of fire I do not know; but what I do know is that I would alleviate the same by pouring pails of chilled water; thereby impeding the surrounding environment from being torched,

How lethal is the sting of scorpion I do not know; but what I do know is that I would suck it from innocuous flesh; saving it wholesomely from jaws of savage death,

How resplendent are the colors of rainbow I do not know; but what I do know is
that I would stop abhorrent gases from obscuring their ingratiating view

How dark is a blind mans life I do not know; but what I do know is I would offer him my shoulder to lean upon; comforting him in times of bizarre distress,

How eloquent is the nightingale I do not know; but what I do know is that I would prevent obstreperous noises from circulating; making its voice the solo one in the still atmosphere,

How thick is blood I do not know; but what I do know is that I would curtail
it from flowing profusely; tying across it the bandage of my unadulterated love,

How disastrous is the earthquake I do not know; but what I do know is that I
would mitigate the suffering prevailing; by hoisting all infants lying discarded without their mothers,

How piquant is white salt I do not know; but what I do know is that I would procure it in its purest form from the sea; to distribute among who cherish its taste,

How scintillating is the pearl I do not know; but what I do know is that I would prevent it from being mutilated and marketed commercially all around,

How black is darkness I do not know; but what I do know is that I would not
let it linger for more than the night; snapping it completely with the first rays of transient dawn,

How frosty is milk I do not know; but what I do know is that I would sequester
mother cow from abuse and trips to the abattoir,

How redolent is the rose I do not know; but what I do know is that I would
prevent it from being plucked indiscriminately from the blossoming shrub,

How diabolical is the demon I do not know; but what I do know is that I would
prevent him from disrupting the tranquility and benevolence of society,

How omniscient is the creator I do not know; but what I do know is that I would burn all fingers pointing against him; annihilate even the most minuscule trace of blasphemy enveloping his sacrosanct persona,

And how long am I going to live I do not know; but what I do know is that would entirely dedicate every unveiling minute of my life; to my mother; my beloved and the God who endowed upon me the prowess to live and love


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