Poems from lovekatie14

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Hi! My name is Elizabeth Davenport, and I'm a college student who loves all things language, no matter what language it is! I'm probably reading, writing, or dancing in the rain right now. I'm a featured poet, Aura, on diesandnoctis.com (go check them out: they're great!), and use the names E.D., Elie Dav, and Elizabeth Davenport when posting my own.
We are living our lives with fraility.  The breaking will come, We're waiting... just waiting.  One phone call.  And then everything turns...
Death creeps stealthily into my thoughts  On tiptoe. Almost silent. It's a thief- Trying to take my limbs.  My heart.  My breath.  It's an...
It seems as though a cloud has permanently settled over my head  And my chest is burdened with a twenty pound weight that doesn't belong on...
Fight.  I want you to fight.  Cling to the things you hold dear And go to war for your idealistic reality.  The thin streams of blood on...
I am a dandelion seed.  Blown about by a puff of wind  On a haphazard, uncontrollable journey.  I sink root no matter the brambles  And...
