Poems from jenniferxrivera

I am a 10th grader that wishes to pursue her dreams of becoming a therapist. I am a very happy sociable friendly teenager, and I hope posting my poems on here gets me somewhere. Right now my poems are featured in a magazine called Penpal Connection. Even though my poems seem to be depressing, I hope people my age relates to them.
I want to become the person I see in my mind,
This person is beautiful,
This person is sweet,
This person is kind.
But why am I so lost...
"I don't love you"
After all that we been through?
I don't know much about love,
This is still new.
But I know true love only happens to a...
And it'll be another night
Where a piece of me dies
More of wanting someone to fight
To help me feel tight
but I don’t have that...
Selling your body for a
People think its a
To see a young woman selling her body just to get a taste of the
She is rare as a blue rose
Blooming with exquisite features
The thorn represents her bad times
Grabbing on you can feel the slight...