Poems from jenniferxrivera

I am a 10th grader that wishes to pursue her dreams of becoming a therapist. I am a very happy sociable friendly teenager, and I hope posting my poems on here gets me somewhere. Right now my poems are featured in a magazine called Penpal Connection. Even though my poems seem to be depressing, I hope people my age relates to them.
You are my weakness
You are the type to make my problems of rain
Become forgiven mist
The type to make me fly away
My feelings seem
To be all
Over the map
I have been
Sad in Chicago
I have been
Sad in LA
I have been
Sad in...
I'm in love with
A whirlwind
He sweeps me away
And makes
Me cry like rain
Everyone gives
Me a loud warning
Sirens go
I’m still here for you
Even if you didn’t know
Like how a mirror still watches you
Even when you go.
He told me I looked better
With a bright orange flower in my hair
It reminds him of the innocence
Of our first date to the fair