Poems from jazmin.almeida.5

What else should people know about me? Wellllll...... I first started writing when I was 5 years old. I initially wrote short stories for every holiday. The older I got, the longer my stories were as well. A few years ago, I branched out to my current passion: poetry. Now I write poetry more than anything else and use it to vent pretty much every emotion. I never miss a chance to thank the man upstairs for the gift of words. :)
My shadow
My shadow
A bittersweet encounter with loneliness
As it flirts with the traction of my heels
Our companionship mirrors my...
The light is but a white pinprick in the sky; the sky itself an indefinite realm of darkness. I have fallen into the chasm again, with...
And so the halls stretched on
The halls stretched on
Scattered footprints crashed off the austere walls
The people ran for their minds
I am quiet
I am small
The storm in me wages a riot
I am a wanderer
I am a believer
Constantly a wonderer
I am eighteen
I am young
The end
Of his life approached from behind
Straight through the wall he cowered against
The shadow
Of our hate-tinged body swallowed him...