Poems from jazmin.almeida.5

What else should people know about me? Wellllll...... I first started writing when I was 5 years old. I initially wrote short stories for every holiday. The older I got, the longer my stories were as well. A few years ago, I branched out to my current passion: poetry. Now I write poetry more than anything else and use it to vent pretty much every emotion. I never miss a chance to thank the man upstairs for the gift of words. :)
Lover dear, how could it be
That the way you touch me
Sends shivers down my spine?
I dream of a love in tune with thine
Softer still,...
At the scruff of every ray of light
At the twinkling of every star
God sends an inspiration to Mother Earth
Each a blank canvas awaiting...
Sometimes I simply lay here gazing up at the darkness
Wishing this cold roof was a stellar canopy
The dew-covered grass brushing my legs...
He sits overlooking a townIn the moonlight he silently diesTogetherness all aroundYet the solemn dog criesCries out in agonyHis voice but...
Open are his eyes, yet idleHis bones frail, his hair no moreEighty-five years is quite a whileWhen each breath becomes a choreDrearily he...