Poems from ivanthepoet
Артур Рембо "Варвар" (з французької поезії) Давно, за днями і порами року, і - за людьми, і - за краями.Майва сирого м'яса на шовкові морів...
what was it-a provocationagainst the Grand Nation?
what was it-a protest,messedwith the restwho are distressedwith the obsessed?
what was...
what was it-a provocationagainst the Grand Nation?
what was it-a protest,messedwith the restwho are distressedwith the obsessed?
what was...
the goddess Night
having taken all the light
is whispering: "do sleep!",
and I
am writing a poem
to be an active poet
already tasting...