Poems from hitalot879

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Mario Vitale has written well over 1,000 poems toward his platform in creative writing. His main ambition is to receive a poetry contract. He looks up to present poets John Ashbery & Major Jackson for their contribution to the arts. Vitale studied theatre at Central Connecticut State university in New Britain, Ct. Presently you will see Vitale's poems on the world wide web such sites as Wrterscafe, Neopoet, Starlitecafe, Poetrysoup & Allpoetry.com He appears in anthology's, magazine articles and editor choice award for poetry. Facebook has been an outlet for Mario Vitale in connecting to family & friends.
Today I sit on the pinnacle of trust knowing that my poems will reach the masses I look past all the critics who claim," Your not good...
minus the flames we seek the vibrant waves of the solace of sound shattered through the trees we feel on the debris oh so merrily receive...
Radio Man Back in the Summer of eighty five thank God I was still alive music was filling the streets as I chilled by the strip here's the...
Lil Pump Know turn up the stereo so everyone goes to hear the song of lil Pump know bust up the beat to promote its tempo take you to...
I left this world today I didn't bother to pray I stormed the gates of heaven with delight I walked upon the pearly gold streets I was...
