Poems from hitalot879

Mario Vitale has written well over 1,000 poems toward his platform in creative writing.
His main ambition is to receive a poetry contract.
He looks up to present poets John Ashbery & Major Jackson for their contribution to the arts.
Vitale studied theatre at Central Connecticut State university in New Britain, Ct.
Presently you will see Vitale's poems on the world wide web such sites as Wrterscafe, Neopoet, Starlitecafe, Poetrysoup & Allpoetry.com
He appears in anthology's, magazine articles and editor choice award for poetry.
Facebook has been an outlet for Mario Vitale in connecting to family & friends.
A Loose Cannon
very fast game
not having you I'm insane
close call through the rain
nestled in a heart sane
sugar is sweet
Suddenly, a chance of make belief
seek a thorn inside the bowl
chase back the pillow from the edge
cascading fence laid up at the mix...
Crack In The Stove
Listen to the pine splits
crack in the stove
clouds down our roof like
burnt pine, milk
The smell of come in the shack
Headphones bleed
From the chords I believe
Were struck by the master…
The master of hands…
Of ”Ladyland”, electric
A vinyl worth the weight...
A Silver Line
Winters Homage..
look closer then ever before
see through the portal of snow
left here a long time ago
waste through the edge...