Poems from hitalot879

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Mario Vitale has written well over 1,000 poems toward his platform in creative writing. His main ambition is to receive a poetry contract. He looks up to present poets John Ashbery & Major Jackson for their contribution to the arts. Vitale studied theatre at Central Connecticut State university in New Britain, Ct. Presently you will see Vitale's poems on the world wide web such sites as Wrterscafe, Neopoet, Starlitecafe, Poetrysoup & Allpoetry.com He appears in anthology's, magazine articles and editor choice award for poetry. Facebook has been an outlet for Mario Vitale in connecting to family & friends.
love blood dark mouth will kisses black eyes god soul red ass sweet feet girl good cock kiss dead lips tears fuck hot cunt man head life...
We saw the captain put off in a small boat Screams, the sound of blows, a ring of shots We kissed behind your heady--your curly head up...
The Pusher Man gain filled with loss we go before the toss reaching to the element of a discuss travel behind the coast The pusher man's...
The Working Man sought get old with my high school beard chased through each pillar a delight to deliver our nations youth in sorrowful...
each of us is naked inside our clothes left as a tender rose as you suppose an untimely gift so you get my drift in a center from the mind...
