Poems from hazard0us

Hello everyone, I'm a young girl from Illinois. I have a lot of things that run through my mind, and writing helps me express all the emotions that I always have bottled up inside.
It doesn't matter who you are
It captures your attention
It wraps you up in her temptations
You'll be free soon
I stare at my reflection
and the list begins to form
I'd change my hair, my mouth
and my eyes and my nose
I grab at my skin
and wish to...
I can hear you scream my name
from the shoreline of my watery grave
but I can't answer your call
because I'm drowning in the darkness
I am a dog on a leash
Willing and trying to move forward
But something is always holding me back
They have told you
to ignore it
They have told you
it's "just a phase"
They have told you
to move on
They have told you
there are...