Poems from frpass

I'm on poetry.com, all poetry, hello poetry, had 8 poems in Anthology's "Boss at Christmas" in American Poetry Anthology, and "The Mailbox Lady" Eber & Weins "Beyond the sea tranquility" Anthology as my most famous poems when I get about 100 poems I'll put a book together along with my short stories and novels I'm working on...Updating Two more Anthology's "Baby Shoes" wants my short story "Rescue 911" for 2015 release, And Eber & Wein "Who's Who in American Poetry" with a complete Bio! Mailbox Lady Part 2 was selected to be in Who's Who in American Poetry Yeah! And now a 4th Poem to be published in Anthology Best of 2015 Dear Mom (May 1,2004) 1st serious poem! And 2 more anthology's from All poetry that haven't been named yet!
When was the last time I laughed? It was watching "Funniest Pets and People! And that was this morning, Ha!       Authors notes: Must be...
Trees and brush Have captured me As you can see!               10 word only picture prompt!
The witches cat Thinks he's all that A witch with a black hat And a black cat Glaring out a window pane Will it rain? Will the spells...
The boss is still dead His name Fred They look for killer!                 This  won a Trophy on All Poetry it had to be 5-3-5 syllables!
Based on a picture contest and has to be 10 words only!   The Trees and Brush Have captured me Can't you see
