Poems from frpass

I'm on poetry.com, all poetry, hello poetry, had 8 poems in Anthology's "Boss at Christmas" in American Poetry Anthology, and "The Mailbox Lady" Eber & Weins "Beyond the sea tranquility" Anthology as my most famous poems when I get about 100 poems I'll put a book together along with my short stories and novels I'm working on...Updating Two more Anthology's "Baby Shoes" wants my short story "Rescue 911" for 2015 release, And Eber & Wein "Who's Who in American Poetry" with a complete Bio! Mailbox Lady Part 2 was selected to be in Who's Who in American Poetry Yeah! And now a 4th Poem to be published in Anthology Best of 2015 Dear Mom (May 1,2004) 1st serious poem! And 2 more anthology's from All poetry that haven't been named yet!
In your tearful eyes Whe you need a hug I'll forever be there When things look sad or blueI I wll always be true to you I'll give you a...
Fire and Ice Iso nce To run tese contests To see who's the bes Hopefully she sees met To beeThe Rhyer  ws mant to be As you can se I have...
Didn't I tell you not to smoke? What?  Didyou think I was a joke? Your so thin, and on a diet Isn't that riot! Smoking is bad for your...
As I look out my window on Haalloween night Oh, wha a fright? Te stars above Ca how me love The on Makes me son Ihave no urniture, as you...
On the highway to heaven I seek the angel Of life To wak with
