Poems from emmystarr

emmystarr's picture
I am 17, I'm a Mormon, thespian, pianist, singer, amateur violinist,author, playwright, pizza enthusiast, and nutcase. I have major depression, anxiety, paranoia, ED NOS, PTSD, and suicidal thoughts. I love twenty one pilots,theater, Steven Universe, Gravity Falls, Shakespeare, all forms of art, and my dog Stella. Mr. Christian K. Kiley is my drama teacher, mentor, friend, and second father.
i am ill   i have                                              DEPRESSION i have                                              POST-...
Shattered. Broken glass. On the floor. I think it's beautiful. Why do I love destruction? The pain is what attracts me. I like to watch my...
I am N   aughty. When I am #nofilter, I eat the forbidden fruit, I hurt others and myself, I do what I'm told not to. O   dd. When I am #...
i am flawed i have F     ears of the color red of animals of my life being monitored of spiders of bees of ants of germs of failure of...