Poems from ehselihc
He is God.
He is God
not Michael or John
But he is God
The only one
He is God
Of all nations and all races
Yes he is Lord
And Creator of...
Messy, Daylight, Fences
She learned to love her, yes she did
In those few minutes and few weeks
It wasn't love strain'd (maybe...
BLACK with no Regret
I'm Black With No Regret
And maybe my shoulders scream it too
Or maybe it's in our stride
And strong voice and...
We Might've Been
We might've been the curving night
- dim, blinding and empty
We might've been your mother's knife
- sharp, hard but...
You Can't see the Noose
Coming 10,
Had some friends
Had to learn
No bad ends
Coming 12,
Hello World
Oh so broken
Little Girl