Poems from depressingpoetry-partinfinite

depressingpoetry-partinfinite's picture
Hi there! Most of what I do has repetition in it. Like, a lot of repetition. I mostly write short horror/suspense stories, but I've recently taken a shine to dark poetry. I've also managed to orchestrate a full length novel, but it's still in the editing process. A long, long editing process.
Life. School. People that walk slowly. People that don't have intentions of being faithful, or my real friend. Slow lines. Depression....
Your only love is the blades that cut your skin.   I want to help, but don't know how. Don't want to hurt further. So I stay back.  ...
Frizzy ringlets of hair, tamed into thick braids. Slick hair, down to your waist, blowing everywhere. Too-long bangs, constantly pushed...
You Ever-changing A roller coaster. An infinite storm. Wild hair (Frizzy and brunette) framing tame eyes. (Ice blue) Bright clothes. (You...
Your eyes Like fire Swirling, Clawing, Grasping, Falling and rising again. Shooting away sparks, dying and rising again. Twisting,...
