Poems from depressingpoetry-partinfinite

Hi there! Most of what I do has repetition in it. Like, a lot of repetition. I mostly write short horror/suspense stories, but I've recently taken a shine to dark poetry. I've also managed to orchestrate a full length novel, but it's still in the editing process. A long, long editing process.
once upon a time
the sun streaked below the clouds
of billowing coal dust and water vapor.
the buildings, brick and stone,
laid haphazard...
So fortunate we are
To have the news at our fingertips
At every moment.
Each event in the world
Is broadcast in seconds,
The good and the...
Brush strokes over a canvas,
Waves, like roads,
Like branches on a tree.
An old car, papers balanced on the dash,
The weaving highway a...
It’s not just the emos with their razors.
It’s the middle school kids
At the top of the bleachers
Playing that stupid game Bloody Knuckles...
This poem is not about her small heart and how it beat against my chest,
A steady stuttering rhythm,
Th-thump th-thump th-thump.