Poems from blvckhvppie
Hi everybody. I'm 17, from GA, but live in VA. I write because it helps me deal with my life in a positive way. Everything I write is real. If I can say anything, it's to stop gang violence because guns aren't worth it. Bullets don't give apologies. My Instagram is @blvckhvppie,and my Kik is @lovedoesntchange.
Good grief
Why is it hard to find hope?
I haven't smiled in a minute
This darkness ain't a joke
Been trying to find light, but the switch...
I am just renting, put a lease on the bod
I have no deity or God
Darwin my nigga, been part of my day one squad
Glo'd up, he's always has...
We both thought that we were going to last
But who can really predict the future?
We both came from pasts that had
Made us both look at...
Free from chains
Free from bars
Free from pain
Free from scars
Free to love
Free my soul
Free my heart
It's now ice cold
Free my skin
Take a second and close your eyes
And look what you realize
The streets are povertized
Kim K is idolized
Kylie's "lips" are making...