Poems from ansley

I am Ansley. I am a coffee drinker, a hugger, and a puppy loving extraordinaire. I will talk about books for hours on end, and I will laugh at anything remotely comical. I work with students with special needs. I'm double majoring in special ed. & psychology (because I'm a nerd). I'm a leftie. I write from time to time, but it's hardly ever anything good. Get on my level.
A thunderstorm brews on my lips, a hurricane wrecks my heart.There is a wildfire blazing in my chesta tornado seems to reside in my head. ...
I’ve always assumed my heart was shattered.It has been busted, bruised, and torn; battered.So, I hung a sign that read ‘out of order’ just...
Father Time has long since lost track of his days, Mother Earth spends hers wishing her children would respect her.Sunday spends her hours...
There is a fine line between believing the world is goodand lying to yourself to lull you into a peaceful sleep.
There is a small crack...
So, this one is for the ones
who were instructed to speak only when spoken to
The ones who have kept quiet,
waiting for their turn to...