Poems from alishabelle

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Hello! I'm 22 living in a crazy neon desert called Vegas with a passion for writing poems, lyrics, and short stories. Check out my work, leave a comment, or just say hi!
I sometimes lie awake at night and dream of all the pretty ways that I could destroy you, tempt you, breathe you in as scattered ashes of...
I don't want to be the fire burning gold and dancing through your veins, I want to be the match that sparks it; the moment you see the...
Make me a fantasy out of all of the stars, just how deep do they pierce the skin? Whisper to me that i've lost sweet control as we thrive...
You don't even know who you fucking are, let alone what you're fucking worth,spinning around like the world has set you as the twirling...
I used to wake up and wish I were the gleam in the summer sun radiant, luminous, beaming with life, always so beautiful to all. I used to...
