Poems from SheWillLiveAsSheIs

SheWillLiveAsSheIs's picture
I am absolutely nothing.
It’s around 8:30 I’m guzzling soda like beer My room is kind of dirty But I forgot to care It’s been hard to care lately About everything...
What if we're alone? The stars we see merely an echo; Of something long gone What if God abandoned us; Or lost us to infinite space? We...
Dying hair and painting nails; Makeup, shoes, and clothes for sale; It's all that we ever think about; Stuck in our generation; You can't...
Dew drops in the morning, Rain in the evening; Emerald hills and leaves of gold, The smell of aging trees, Hanging fresh on the wind; The...
In the clearing over yonder, A willow faces west; Branches reaching further; I'm almost there at best; Yes my heart its pointing Northerly...
