Poems from Shawnie98

Heyy my name is Shawnesci, EVERYONE calls me Shawnie, I'm 24 years old. I aspire to aspire.
Have you ever once considered the incomprehensible measures of our crevice world? Just how immeasurably small it can be when fate decides...
Three months have passed and I have grown stone hard in both my heart and mind, I have opened myself to my truth and new beginnings but...
Two weeks pass and that door has been my door for eons By now I've deeply divulged and invested in my door, come to understand what my door...
A uniform row of doors stand aligned, Each withholding a different journey, a different chapter of my life Weary, I lock one closed and...
Birds monotonously chirp and my window is scratched by a wind-rustled branch. The room is lit a lake stone grey and the television static...
