Poems from Rudyvilla24

Rudyvilla24's picture
i enjoy writing poems about pretty much anything. i have a imaginative imagination which helps me picture my poems as if it was unfolding in front of me and i write what i see and feel.
Extremely loud but yet quiet    Has the thought crossed your mind that we are the only people on this planet? Look around you this is all...
  I remember a time when I was scared of them I never went to close to them I prejudged them, because I didn't know who they were I would...
From head to toe You are as perfect as the eye can see As perfect as you can be I just wanted you to know   The smile on your face Is a...
This morning when i opened my eyes At the same time the sun started to rise I felt this heart warming feeling Which left me staring at the...
I remember walking through the halls thinking should I or should I not I saw what they did, so one day in class I had a thought I might...
