Poems from OliverAmatist
My name is Oliver Amatist, aka the deadpoet. I am a Pacific Northwest born and raised spoken word poet. I specialize in Free Verse Poetry ranging on topics relative to mental health, societal constructs, and the pure love that comes with freedom of expression. My career as a poet started with my first book, Time Within a Leaf, which can be found on amazon. Also, my first large performance at the Bit of Seattle 2017 showed me what I am capable of. Thank you for reading, listening, and expressing. I have may shows booked over the next year and more to come. I will be updating this list of venues soon!
The video link contains footage of myself performing at the Honey Moon Meadery in Bellingham, WA
"Technological Habits."
Paid in part by the subliminal masses.
"We could start by listing all the reasons why we...
I flick a cig and it lands on a leaf,
Burns to the ground and spins my beliefs,
Here is where I see a glimpse of hope,
A visual summary.
Standing at the top of this hill,
I sit, stand, and laugh at hell,
"What a perfect reflection we see of ourselves."
Tears of joy in a rain of hearts.
Clouds spread across the wall with flames engulfed by a passive wave.
In this day I found my pain,