Poems from OliverAmatist

My name is Oliver Amatist, aka the deadpoet. I am a Pacific Northwest born and raised spoken word poet. I specialize in Free Verse Poetry ranging on topics relative to mental health, societal constructs, and the pure love that comes with freedom of expression. My career as a poet started with my first book, Time Within a Leaf, which can be found on amazon. Also, my first large performance at the Bit of Seattle 2017 showed me what I am capable of. Thank you for reading, listening, and expressing. I have may shows booked over the next year and more to come. I will be updating this list of venues soon!
I am, with out a doubt, a different kind of morning person.
I can guzzle 6 cups of coffee and never wake up,
But when you present me with...
Substance abuse froze and refused to save me from
The street side performances inducing an endorphin run.
Caddallacs, meth labs, and...
This is a recorded performance at the Bite of Seattle 2017.
I will type up the lyrics later.
My Dearest,
I don't think I know this,
But I am afraid I let my mental illness get the best of us.
I am addicted to the nostalgia linked...
With all things considered,
I cannot pass,
A bridge that breaks every laugh.
The sap in twigs will soothe my wriste,
With breaking light as...