Poems from Meggydoodles

Im 18 years old. I used to live in Ohio, but now I live in Australia :D Yes, I am a ginger, and yes we are awesome! I have two dogs, Chaos and Chloe. I am a pescetarian, a vegetarian who eats fish. I love writing and drawing. I also play golf, and basketball. I am training to run a half marathon :)
I had problems with weight and self image for a long time. I used to weigh 160 pounds, but now I weigh 130 pounds! It took me almost two years and I am really happy about the way I look, though I am still trying to become more and more healthy. I been through a lot of shit with my life, and I’m still working on it. But each day I am getting better :D
Each page is a date
The front is birth
and the back is death
the binding, no matter how thick or thin,
It is a book
Hieghtened anxiety...
I have the world under my feet
and life in my veins
I have love from a family
and care from friends
I have food in my belly
and clothes on...
I don't remember jumping
Nor do I do falling.
All I remember is your eyes
How you looked at me
I was gold's beauty
I don't remember...
Hello my darling,
Of her summer day's end
Will you dance to the colorless leaves
Or sing the melody of the late crickets?
Are your...
“Sun Kisses”
As soon as I started to refer
My freckles as “kisses”
A whole new world opened up for me
In the palm of my hand