Poems from Megan Collins
Correct and Fix
Tip and Sip
The poison
From my ivory cup
It will spill and fall
to the floor
No one will take me
No one will hold me
In my...
Walking hand in hand
Dragging feet in sand
The forces push me
over and I am no longer
standing. It has been
said and will be
Just let me dream
forever, drown my
sorrows inside the
glass that I am
trapped inside
I can only break
through the glass
when I fall under...
A constant state
of fear and worry
Never let it go
Fill the hole with
Hate and fury
Till you drown
like so,
I hate myself
for these fears...
An Aversion introduces Itself to her every day The empty space must be filled It fills itself with deep rooted torment A gap exsists ...