Poems from LiNiLizzyTay

Former cutter. I suffer from depression and multiple anxiety disorders. My heart belongs to one man and they died but doesn't mean I'm grieving them as I haven't lost him. I hear him every day in my head telling me not to give up so cope with me and get to know me as you read my poetry thanks.
See it all began with a feeling a feeling of emptiness of loneliness and numbness a feeling we felt we could conquer we could beat but we...
Pain is temporary but welcome it's relief where hurt once stood its a cold blade and a restless night a breeze that blows just a shy to...
I see my hatred written on my arms I grab my razor and think
do I really wish to cause more pain I'm miserable already why make it worse...
My heart broke a confusing puzzle
But I met you
And you liked Puzzles
I think of endless days and short nights
I think of powerful blades and deep slashes
I think of everything and nothing but all that comes...