Poems from Lewy9
Ayer, yo tenía la confianza
Para ver el sol arriba;
Pero ahora la luz
Es demasiada brillante para los ojos
Y veo las sombras
Everyone wants battle scars that
Show they survived the fight
But battles fought inside the heart
Are rarely black and white.
Alone in shallow consciousness
I’m drowning
Only Life accompanies me,
Shoving my head under so I
Can’t breathe.
No one needs you, Life...
Out of darkness, we climb into the sunlight
The past crashing behind us
In foaming waves of dust.
Where once we crawled,
Too tight a space...
Here I lean back into the gentle arms of galaxies,
Spirals dizzying my sight,
The soft space and freedom
Caressing my skin.
Here I find my...