Poems from KilosopherMainstay
Dear Tears of a Tiger,
I’m not ready to go six feet under but my name claims I am.
The dude who made me is six feet under but smoked so...
Your eyes glistened through my chest I felt your pain without you ever sayin a word movin from your fingertips to your breast.
That same...
Subtle eyes
6th tour at war vietnam expressions
Piercing through layers of skin
as if it were clusters of shredded meat.
Finding the hidden...
Cause I met destiny and fell in love
with heaven
Sent from the barrow of
your eyes.
I seen you
But then again I listened
more closely...
Indulged in the asphalt;
picked up and splattered
tires spinning as we fought
blood dispensed assumed christmas cake batter.
Sometimes it...