Poems from Kettle

Curiosity killed the cat - Pandora would know. A box or a jar, Filled with things from below.   When told not to open, She couldn’t hold...
Over the years I’ve come to know Things like betrayal, Anger, fear, sadness, And unbearable heartbreak. But I’ve also learned how To...
There are many different chains, Some worse than others. But the fear of pains, Is worse than any other.   To live with constant thoughts...
When I fall on the floor, Sick of my life, Hoping no more,   I can always count on One person to help Even at the crack of dawn.   With all...
I’m a diva For pizza- Fast as a chee-tah To grab the last piece-uh. I say “bye-bye Felicia” To my poor little pizza. When I go see the Giza...
