Poems from Kataq
It creeps in like a fogblanketing the sky in pale graySlowly it seeps into the lungsa lethargic poison, aging the bonesIt tunes the heart’...
When I write I am a captain
sailing black and blue ink seas
The pubescent dolphins giggling in waves
And the mermaids swimming always...
It made my stomach wretch to see you together
Your ravished lips pressed against her
Lungs pining for her siren's breath
Fingers stroking...
Spring I was young. A babe giddy and green
Daffodils weaved in my hair and feet bare
Frolicking like a forest sprite, a queen
To be....
As I sat and watched her
I sat a child,
a girl mimicking the woman at her vanity
Our cinnamon hands the mirror between us
But with a stone...