Poems from Kai B.

trans boy//queer//writing major//INFP//pronouns are: they, them, theirs and he, him, his.
anime//YA fiction//favorite poet: Lang Leav//favorite authors: Zac Brewer, Stephen King, and Rainbow Rowell
Hide and seek was my favorite,
I was so good at it,
even now,
no one,
Hiding in the bathroom stalls with
my heart...
Alone in bed I outstretch my arms, laying my hand out with my palm up.
Imagining you laying there, holding my hand, squeezing it so I know...
What's a name if no one ever calls you that?
What's a name if spoken in spite?
The constant correction, rejection, feels as if I'm at...
My life started when I was 12.
I'd penned a poem about,
trees, I felt ink flow through
my fingers like a breeze
against the leaves.