Poems from Jbabe
I live and love words, poetry give me a light in the dark that I did not know I had with in me. I want all my poetry to be meaningful, and to help someone that just needs to hear something or read something that makes them feel like they are not alone.
Wearing a mask
Hinding a face
Doing mundane task
staring into space
Going home is going on stage, going to school is improv practice, and...
I can't see the walls anymore, Its dark and I am alone
It getting harder and harder to breath, I feel like im 30,000 leaks under the sea...
I daydream of being something different, somewhere different
I wonder, I questions, I think and I have come to the conclusion.
Im not...
Stars dim to a faint glow, the gorgeous twinkle in their bodies has dies down and the angelic shine I found so interesting has lost value....
Poem: yet and still
•In one piece yet broken
•Showing a smile yet crying inside
•In a room full of people yet so alone
•I speak yet no...